Thyroid Support

Thyroid Support is a bespoke mix of ingredients formulated to support healthy energy levels, focus and clarity, and healthy thyroid hormone production.

The Thyroid Support formula contains a range of effective ingredients that hit all the notes:

  • Ashwagandha for those in tune with Ayurveda;
  • Schisandra for those who follow the wisdom of East Asia;
  • L-Tyrosine for people keen on amino acids.

A range of vitamins, minerals and kelp balance the mix. Throw in healthy doses of vitamin B-12 and Iodine and you’ve got an effective, winning product - no matter your customer base.

Thyroid Support is made in the US in an FDA registered facility that follows GMP guidelines. Ingredients in the formula are both domestic and imported. One bottle contains 60 capsules, which is equivalent to a one-month supply.

This offer is well researched and presented, and the landing page is built to maximize conversion. The Thyroid Support affiliate program is accepting new affiliates and it's free to sign up!


Revshare 40%

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It's been surprising how traffic has engaged with the Thyroid offer ... the landing page looks really slick.

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Indicadores de Desempenho

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Top 10 Conversion Rate

Offer average 1.16%


Top 10 Average Order Value

Offer average $43.93


Top 10 Average Commission Value

Offer average $15.20


Top 10 Earnings Per Click

Offer average $0.17

Potencial de Ganhos

Use os controles deslizantes para obter uma indicação rápida de seu potencial de ganhos com Thyroid Support.

Orders Per Day

1 20

Average Order Value

$74 $526

Commission Rate



Per Day : $35.92
Per Month : $1,39.10
Per Year : $13,319.10
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